How many of you have had sever cases of A.B? (Artist Block) I know I can't be the only one. The purpose of this blog post is to reach out to other artists, interact, and get some helpful feedback. First thing's first, let's break down the current situation at hand shall we?!
A few days ago, I began participating in a 30 Day Art Challenge. My first couple of days went well. I had an original concept in mind. I knew exactly how I wanted my final image to turn out. Color schemes and everything. First entry was a total success. Check it out below:
This is "The Elk Eldress." She's made up of pencil,colored pencils, and ink on regular printer paper. Nothing too fancy or spectacular. Just small drawings for the daily challenges. This is where we run into the A.B problem... After completing her, and seeing how well she turned out, I had the "brilliant" idea of sticking to this exact style and theme. BIG MISTAKE. My goal was to make my drawings from the 30 Day Art Challenge into a small coloring book or a storybook for my daughter. An original just for her. However, I think developing a good story with solid characters is what threw me off.
Okay so obviously from looking at the first character, I wanted this to be woodland inspired fairy-tale of sorts. Since that seems to be the phase of girlhood she's going through at the moment. Fantastical creatures, magic, romance, blah blah blah (^_^) My issue is trying to come up with other characters to link up with the Eldress. Also working my daughter in as one of the main characters herself. So now I'm stuck trying to figure it all out.
Here's where you beautiful creators come into play. What do YOU do to counteract A.B? Any tips you wanna share with me and the other readers? I'd/We'd really appreciate it. Let's throw some ideas around. Show me what you got!
Keep Creating,
Karii J.