Have you ever limited yourself to just one avenue and forget there's a bigger world outside?! I haven't been as active on my Google+ as I was a few years ago, so I've kinda lost touch with some things. It's a slow night at work today. So I decided to back track and look at some of my old work. Just to see how much I've progressed. Happened to visit a few old art groups I used to frequent, and saw some familiar work. Couple of familiar names stood out to me. Names like, A. Stubblefield, Pierre Jean Louis, and JD Baez just to name a few.
I see their work everyday in my facebook art group, League of Extraordinary Artists. I believe I've been so wrapped up in one avenue of exposure, that I've completely ignored everything else outside of it. Like there are other ways of gaining exposure besides facebook. I used to know that. At one point in time I had the common sense and right frame of mind in knowing that there was more exposure outside of one website. I feel like I lost myself in a lot of ways creatively speaking. But to browse through these open groups that I hadn't visited in years, and to see these artists most recent work on display and getting the love that they were getting... I gotta tell you, it really woke me up.
Not sure how many people have been following me and my growth since I first started really coming out and showcasing my talent with the world, but I remember when I was posting new speed videos every week. Multiple videos. I remember when I was painting every single day and on days that I didn't paint, I felt like something was missing or my day was slightly off. It was so routine, not doing it made me feel off balance. I miss that feeling. I want to get it back. I want to be active and social not only in my own group, but in other groups as well. There's so much to see and learn and experience in stepping outside of the familiar.
League of Extraordinary Artists has been so amazing for me. And my team of admin feels more like an extended family. Joyi, Brian, Liz-Anne, Gabi, Darryl, we've grown so much in the short time of this group starting. You guys inspire me every day and I love seeing your work on my feed. I want to be the inspiration to someone else, that you all are to me. So I'm asking my team to stay on me. When I say team, understand that I mean anyone who supports me and my talent. There are a few of you out there who have believed in me since day one and continue to push for me every single day. I see you and I appreciate you.
Blogging will occur more often, videos will be uploaded more often. Live streams will happen more often. And live events HAVE to happen more often for me. I need to get out in the public eye again. More festivals, more community events, more art shows, more pop up galleries. I'm awake now. Took me some time... But I'm up.