Sunday, February 10, 2013

I've Come A Long Way

I feel like I should take time out to give thanks and show recognition. Understand that I've come a long way. I've been drawing since I was 4... Went through a traumatic life event... STOPPED COMPLETELY... Was forced to get back into it again for therapeutic reasons... And then fell in love with it all over again.

Once I got back into it, my artwork was something that I was doing just as a hobby. I never thought to make a career out of it. It was just for self enjoyment. Once I moved to New York and I saw how much people were into this "art scene" and were able to make a living from their talents, I thought to myself, "If they can do it, why can't I?" "What's stopping me from being the next big thing in the art world?"

ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!!! So I went for it....

And I continue to go for it every day. I want to be featured in artshows, and magazines, tv interviews... I want to speak to art classes in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, you name it!!! I want to be able to motivate people to go after their dreams. I've had so many POSITIVE people walk into my life and I feel like it's only right that I give them the thanks that they deserve.

To Miss Imogene Brown, my third grade teacher who recognized my talents since elementary school and STILL supports me to this very day... Thank you so much.

To my mentor, and close friend, Hector Ortega... for inspiring me and motivating me to go hard with my art. You were and continue to be an inspiration to me without even knowing it. I can't thank you enough.

To my art partner in crime, Torrey Jackson... Where do I even BEGIN... The drawing sessions, the words of encouragement, the shout outs, the support, the love of the craft, that focus... We defintitely goin places... Thanks for not giving up on your talents and thank you for the love and support.

To Malcolm Coley... YOOOO...Malcolm, you are the epitome of positivity. You always have such great words of wisdom and when I get to my lowest point, I know that those words are only a phone call or a message away. Your drive and your passion for success are so contagious. Please continue to uplift the spirits of people the way that you do. Endless thanks to you.

I CANNOT leave out this beautiful soul here... To my big sis... +Britney Eggleston ... You are such a strong, beautiful, talented and funny woman. Thank you for your support and for just being so dope lol... Love you to death. You are DEFINITELY going places. And you will always have my support.

I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! We gonna make it and we gonna change this art game. It's our time to shine and as long as we continue to support each other... There's nothing that we CAN'T do. To everyone else that has been showing love and support to me, I thank you so much. I am so thankful and blessed to have you guys show so much love to me and my artwork. I love you all...

Keep Creating...
<3 Karii


  1. I Love You Lil Sis! <3 You WILL achieve your dreams. Keep believing and working towards them. God got you. I have faith in you, much Love!

    1. Appreciate all the love and support <3We gonna have to make that collabo happen :)
