Monday, March 10, 2014

Who Am I Becoming?

It's a very deep question. Not just one that I'm asking myself, but one that I'm encouraging everyone of you to ask as well. Yes YOU! If you're reading this blog entry today, I want this message to be specifically for YOU. Doesn't matter where you are, what time of day or night it is, I want you to read this as if I'm talking to you. What are you becoming?

Last night was very eye opening for me. After I posted my Tiger Lily blog, the response that I got from it was enormous in comparison to my other blogs. Likes, actual feedback, shares, people reaching out to me, you name it. I was so thankful and humbled that what I wrote, was being taken seriously. It even made a few of my supporters laugh. I loved that. It is, after all, the GREATEST medicine known to man. So after writing the blog, I began the drawing process of my depiction of Tiger Lily. Have you ever worked on something and ended up shocking yourself?! That's sort of what happened to me last night.

Don't get me wrong, I've always known that I had it in me to create something really good. What I didn't know, was how organic and freeing working on something just for me would feel like. I hadn't done it in quite some time. There was no time restriction, no consultation needed to make changes here or there, didn't need to change the design because it was exactly how I saw it in my head. It felt great. So I posted progress photos of what I was doing. The feedback and response that I got was amazing. For so long now, I've been saying, I just want some feedback. ANY kind. I just want to know how people are receiving this image. Then I started to get wrapped up and consumed by that. I was starting to become an artist that only worried about how others viewed my work and not necessarily how I saw it myself.

So last night, I asked myself, "What am I becoming?"....

Then it hit me. Like a lightening bolt....It stung a little, but it woke me up. I realized, that I'm becoming the kind of artist that I always dreamed I would grow up to be. I created something that made ME happy. I was able to reach others in the process. Humbled and extremely thankful, I'm becoming... me! A better version of myself. This drawing was just the thing to get me started. I still have a long way to go. I'm growing up in art. Last night was like my rebirth of self. I cant wait to see what's next for me, and what's next for you. Don't be afraid to dream and don't be afraid to discover who you are.

Keep Creating,
<3 Karii J.

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