This week's quote comes from none other than Charlie Chaplin...
Soooo.... if you haven't guessed it by now, my inspiration for my next speed painting/drawing is Charlie Chaplin... But wait! There's more... I was sitting and thinking to myself, how could I go further than just a regular Charlie Chaplin inspired painting? Now just to give you all a bit of insight on my creative processes, when I'm in my "thinking" mode, I absolutely HAVE to have music playing. I feed off of it so-to-speak. Not to drag out this explanation any longer, it just so happened that Michael Jackson would start playing on my Pandora channel. Then it hit me... Michael Jackson had a very HUGE interest in Charlie Chaplin's life.
He would even dress as Charlie from time to time. Just playing around or even for photo shoots. So I started researching different things about the two. Found a lot of things that I really REALLY was drawn to. For example, I know this isn't something that you would normally hear in reference to a male, but they both have these amazingly captivating eyes. Very full of life and beautifully animated at times... take a look at some of these pics to see what I mean...
Like I said... very captivating eyes. After doing more research on the two, I'm browsing the Internet just following lead after lead... Completely forgot, that Michael Jackson's song entitled, "Smile", was originally written by Charlie Chaplin. For those of you who don't know what song I'm talking about, don't worry your pretty little heads, because that song is THE SONG OF THE WEEK!!! and you can check it out riiiiiiiiiiiight here:
Okay so with all of this information that I've literally spewed from myself (omg that sounds horrible)...
The idea for this next speed painting is to combine the two. So my speed painting/drawing, will be Michael Jackson as Charlie Chaplin, and I will call this one... "Smile".... Make sure to come back on Saturday for the Speed painting video and the big reveal.
Have any questions or want to comment about this blog.... Feel free to leave your words in the thread below. Until next time...
Keep Creating
<3 Karii
Today is DEFINITELY Tuesday lol... Sorry for the confusion... I'm moving at a snail's pace this week... My apologies :)