Saturday, February 2, 2013

Frustration = Motivation

Hello my beautiful ones... Long time no speak.. My fault entirely and I apologize. Been really busy lately and haven't really had enough time to just sit down and write out what I'm feeling...


OK so time for some updates... Since the last time I've blogged, I've finished another sin as part of the Se7en Deadly Sinz Collection. I've also started two other collections: The Black History Collection as well as The Tattoo Beauties Collection. So you can see why I've been so busy.

With February finally here, I've started working on Valentines Day commissions. I'm currently working on one for a friend from high school and I'm so excited about it.

OK so now with the "frustration" aspect of this blog....

I am all for positive living and seeing people do things that's helping them to succeed and excel in life. Where my frustration comes in, is when I'm actively supporting these same people and their movements or dreams, goals etc... WITHOUT QUESTION mind you. But when I need to be promoted or if I want to draw attention to my work or my struggle and my career, what I want to do.... I have to actually ask someone to do it and hope that they will.

Like if I see that they are about something positive and trying to do something to make them more successful, then I will promote them. They don't even have to ask me. I would expect that in return but sadly, it's a very rare occurrence. And I absolutely LOVE to see my art friends succeed.... Because it gives me a very strong sense of hope.

I'm blessed to be in the company of such amazing and talented friends. I take so much pride in seeing their success. But at the end of the day, I'm human. I want to have some of that success. I want to have people CONSTANTLY talking about my work or sharing my images... asking me to do work for them.. promoting me and what I'm about without me having to ask them.

I have absolutely no problem with promoting myself. I do it all the time. And I appreciate every and ANYONE who is supporting me in any way shape or form. I'm incredibly humbled by the people who reach out to me and tell me how much they love what I do. Because at the end of the day, I just want people to realize that my art isn't something that's just done in a matter of minutes... Each piece that I create takes time, and thought, effort, dedication and love to complete. I pour my all into what I do.

I get frustrated when I see people who do the same thing that I do, get more recognition. Let me be 100% CLEAR SO THERE IS NO ROOM FOR CONFUSION:

I am not hating on these people, I'm not jealous of their success, i actually LOVE it... It's my motivation. So to my fellow artists, continue to shine and do what you do best. I am so incredibly proud of all of you. You guys are my inspiration and my motivation. Keep a look out for me... I can only remain under the radar for so long... I'm ready to get MY moment in the spotlight... I love you all tremendously... Keep Creating

<3 Karii

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