Monday, April 29, 2013


Hello my beautiful ones. Long time no speak... Anywho!! Updates Updates Rants and some more UPDATE!

Okay so yeah... it's been quite some time since I've blogged. I figured with me only having 3 active followers (all of which are on my fb anyways), I didn't see the harm in letting my "readers" down. Everything that I post is either on my facebook fan page or regular facebook. So no harm done. With that being said, I'll be posting some of my most recent images on here as my updates and some places where you can purchase prints as well as other items featuring my work.

I titled this post "Maturity...Eventually" for a specific reason. For any of you who may know me personally, you know that I am a big kid at heart. I still watch cartoons (more than my kids do), cereal is the greatest thing ever created (IMO), there's no such thing as staying in the lines (because I'm a crayon rebel), and you can never laugh TOO much. All things and ideas that I live by on a daily basis.

However; I know that eventually, maturity will have to set in. When I speak of maturity, I mean it strictly in an artistic sense. Example; a few months ago, had I been writing this blog, I would be complaining about how people aren't noticing my work, or buying any of my products, or showing active support and blah blah blippity blah... But NOW, I'm coming into a stage where I realize, people will only buy into and invest money into things that they want to. They are not OBLIGATED to buying my products just to show that they like my work. And I'm actually okay with that. If I happen to make a sale here or there then I'm happy. If not, at least I still had fun and enjoyed MYSELF in the process of creating that piece of art. 

It's all just a matter of sitting back and looking at the bigger picture. What's more important to me... the "fame" or the respect?! Guess which one I'm after...

Check out my updates... I'll post links where you can see some of my work and buy some items if interested and until we meet again...

Keep Creating
<3 Karii

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